(Copied to Tim because of the wishlist.)

Joseph Toscano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've written a new piece of music which will hopefully fill a need for
> you campaign designers. It's meant to be played during sad, somber
> dialogue. I'm releasing it under the GPL for use in Wesnoth, so feel
> free to use it wherever you like. (You may also include it in the main
> distribution.)

Very nice!  As it happens, I have an immediate use for this.  There's
a death scene in Northern Rebirth that needs a better soundtrack than
it has now; while Mattias West did a wonderful job on "Breaking The
Chains" (which I moved to mainline last night with Ivanovic's
encouragement), Taurus and I don't think his "Sad" is quite up to
snuff.  We had exchanged email in which we contemplated asking you for
a replacement; I think you just supplied it.

(West, if you're reading this, we are still very much looking forward
to final versions of "Legends of the North" amd "Price of Victory".  Your
longer-form stuff with full orchestration is still a hit with us.)

Devs, I'll re-tag this using the new tagging conventions and check it in as
'tragedy.ogg' unless I hear objections during the next day or so.

Zhaytee, I don't know what other devs have in mind, but if you're looking
for new Wesnoth-related projects, here's a wish list from me:

* Orcish theme music.  I wanna hear hobnailed boots, rough male choruses, 
  big martial horns, kettledrums, lots of menace and stupidity.

* Undead theme music.  Creepy, insinuating, with slithery strings and the 
  dry rattle of bones.  Quoting Saint-Saens a bit would be no bad thing.

* Wose theme music.  Slow, deep, lots of cello and viola, accents with French 
  Emotional tone should be some sadness with light pastoral accents and a sense 
  vast inexorable strength beneath.  

* Tension music -- Short piece (no more than 1:05) with a feeling of "Uh oh, 
  have just gone up." To be used a one-shot when the objectives of a scenario 
  I'm imagining whirling flutes and pizzicato strings in rapid time here.

(Um.  Yes, I'm a classical-music fan.  Does it show? :-))
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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