
The Wesnoth 1.12 release announcement is now *string-frozen* and ready for 
translators to work on it. As you probably know after reading Ivanovic's 
email, we are going to have a second release candidate this Friday 24th of 
October; and then it's our hope that we won't need a third RC and Wesnoth 
1.12.0 gold will be tagged on November 1st, and officially announced about a 
week later to give time to packagers to build and test the game, and to allow 
translators to catch up with the announcement's translations as well.

You can download the .po files from the wesnoth.org/start/1.12/po/ [1] dir on 
the website, or directly from the wesnoth/website Git repository [2]. The 
English (US) version of the release announcement has been generated already 
and is also available for you to see [3].

    1: http://www.wesnoth.org/start/1.12/po/
    2: https://github.com/wesnoth/website/tree/master/start/1.12/po
    3: http://www.wesnoth.org/start/1.12/index.en.html

Although existing translations from 1.10 are included in the .po files (pretty 
much all of them fuzzied), we changed the announcement's contents and 
structure *a lot* for this occasion, also adding support for small resolution 

Thus, there are a few points you need to be aware of:

 * Get familiarized with the English version's look and feel first! This is
   *really* important since it gives you an idea of how the text is laid out
   along with the screenshot thumbnails and other elements.

 * The intro section *must* be brief and lead people into reading the main

 * A string that's part of the intro section includes   entities (non-
   breaking space). These are used to prevent the name of the game from being
   split into separate lines to fit on small screens, a problem that affects  
   the intro section in particular due to its larger font size.

 * The "Download Now!" string *SHOULD* fit within a small space, otherwise the 
   button gets scaled horizontally to fit -- so try to keep its character
   count low. Also, only the contents within the opening and closing <a> tags
   should be translated -- in particular, you MUST* leave the id and href
   attributes intact for this specific entry.

 * Link URLs (as in `<a href='http://www.wesnoth.org/>`) should be left intact
   in translations, except for the manual URL, which you may replace 
   accordingly if a translated manual for your language is available.

Translated .po catalogues should be sent directly to Ivanovic. Only .po files 
that have been at least 85% translated will produce working HTML pages on the 
website, which you can later check on your browser. We will try to regenerate 
the HTML files every time you submit your translations.

  Ignacio R. Morelle <shadowm>

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