Hi all,
Let me give some context to this:
My idea is that soon, Wesnoth will need lots of x2, x3, and x4 bitmaps
for high-resolution displays. Vectorizing the existing art, and
scaling it up this way, could provide a template for artists to work
with. In some cases the result could even be used directly. Otherwise
the task of creating so many high-res versions seems almost

I am a researcher but not in the field of image processing. However,
perhaps we could find a co-mentor from a related project (OpenCV) who
could help handle the algorithmic part. I also think that there must
be at least some decent vectorizing algorithms available as open
source, on which we could build.

For example, a project could
(1) create a pipeline to extract Wesnoth bitmaps, convert them to
vectors, then to higher-res bitmaps, and put them back into Wesnoth;
(2) improve the existing vectorization algorithms. Perhaps some
artifacts are relatively specific to background tiles or unit
animations, for which custom-tailored algorithms may create improved

On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Andrius Šilinskas
<silinskas.andr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> While I was at GSoC mentor summit, I met with people who had some ideas
> about Wesnoth. I found one of them to be particularly interesting. It is
> about algorithmically depixelizing art so that it could be represented as
> vectors and thus, it could scale well.
> I know little about computer graphics so I wouldn't take on such project.
> However, some of you might be interested in it. You could check a research
> paper from Microsoft about this
> (http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/kopf/pixelart/paper/pixel.pdf).
> The person who proposed this idea is Cyrille Artho and he is from LyX
> organisation. As he mentioned that he would be interested in helping out
> with this, I'm CC'ing him to this email.
> Cheers,
> Andrius aka thunderstruck

Cyrille Artho

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