Awesome! I'm happy to see that you managed to pull this through. 
Congratulations and thanks for all your hard work. I'd like sneak in here a 
thank you to mordante as well - he started this endeavor and contributed a lot 
in the earlier stages.

 ---- On Sat, 19 Dec 2015 02:30:55 +0100 Andreas Löf <> 
wrote ---- 
 >     Hi All,
 >     As I'm sure you know, I have been working on finishing the SDL2    
 > support for the game in the last couple of months. There's been a    number 
 > of subtle, and not so subtle problems that have needed to be    fixed for 
 > this, but it's finally reached a point in stability where    I have been 
 > able to merge my development branch with master.
 >     SDL2 support is merged in and enabled by default as of commit    
 >     .
 >     This commit also brings with it the rewritten hotkey-handling code,    
 > making hotkeys be the same keys on the keyboard, no matter what the    
 > keyboard layout is (it relies on scancodes instead of whatever    character 
 > was read from the keyboard). 
 >     The next step for me now is to fix bugs, and make the resize    handling 
 > in the code nicer. There's one open bug for laggy resize    handling 
 > (#23934) whis is highest on my list of priorities.
 >     The plan is to keep SDL2 and SDL1.2 functional for one release, then    
 > we'll remove SDL1.2 support from the game.
 >     As a part of the bug-fix cycle we'll also try to improve performance    
 > and move to OpenGL acceleration of the rendering code. This will    require 
 > rather large changes and I would appreciate your continued    support and 
 > help with this.
 >     There has been a few people that have been invaluable in this    effort, 
 > and I don't think it would have happened without them. I    would like to 
 > thank them especially for the work they have been    doing and the help 
 > they've given me.
 >           Lipkab, for doing all the hard work. He wrote most of the code     
 >    for the SDL2 support and I have just been tidying it up and        fixing 
 > bugs.
 >       Wedge009, for help with testing and helping me test/reproduce        
 > bugs on platforms where I couldn't.
 >       Shadowm, for support and guidance when I was having issues.
 >       Celticminstrel, iceiceice, ancestral, aquileia, for helping        
 > with testing and the build systems and making SDL2 a default        target 
 > for non-linux builds.
 >       Gfgtdf, for help with testing.
 >     Kind regards,
 >     Andreas (aka, Aginor)
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