Re: Vasco Oguzua. & all the dream teams in this forum. most of points raised 
are important, but we in diaspora should  address our concern about westnile 
region to the International Organisation like united nations & its secretary 
general. for to rehabilitate, reconstruct westnile being war torn zone. as it 
promised last year, to repair brdges,roads,to install power station in nyagak  
renovating  of hospital, to assist the citizens of landing them some money to 
run small businesses. for to be self reliance, to help there family. the should 
be on humanitarian act under united nations convention. the citizens of west 
being victims of war, as well refugees. again members, the only economic income 
the westnile region gerate. via ura. cllection of taxes on all borders. like 
koboko district bordering sudan and dr. congo. oraba on uganda side, & kaya on 
sudan side. in arua district do bordering dr. congo vura on uganda side,& aru 
on dr. congo side.  in
 western madi. moyo on uganda side, & kajokeji on sudan side. in eastern madi. 
Adjumani district. chinyapwe on uganda side, & nimule on sudan side as I ask 
earlier. all the taxesation ura collect on these borders would have develop to 
rebuild  what bro. vasco mentioned on his correspondence. can anyone from 
uganda tell us how much ura collect taxation from the business people & all 
those borders I mention in westnile? this would be used to rebuild the region. 
but it seems to me, the government interst are develop district that suport 
nrm. those do dont suport, are sabotage, the developments blocked, colleges set 
on fire ETC.  over to dream teams. brothers & sister. from majid alemi junior. 
in BC.

From: Kadara Kursum <>
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <>
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2009 8:29:25 AM
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Re: The BARIFA LAND ISSUE

Check out Rainforest Foundation website for ideas and more info.

--- On Thu, 7/5/09, Vasco Oguzua <> wrote:

From: Vasco Oguzua <>
Subject: [WestNileNet] Re: The BARIFA LAND ISSUE
Date: Thursday, 7 May, 2009, 3:26 PM

Thank you Joel Arumadri and Robert Ocaatre for your insights. I think you have 
provided the forum an invaluable insight into the Barifa Land issue.  From 
something Robert mentioned about some Presidential Advisor who has/had some 
contentions with the officials in Arua town or District, there seems to be 
something twisted in the whole decision process.
In my view the decision to think of degazetting a natural buffer that protects 
the town and it's inhabitants (as Arumadri explained in his piece) from the 
vagaries of the environment does not reflect a development process that is in 
the interest of developing the town and its inhabitants. It makes me think that 
those decision makers have their priorities of providing service in the the 
wrong order, and I think some money manipulation must have exchanged hands to 
arrive at such a decision.  Providing quality and sufficient basic amenities to 
the inhabitants of the Arua should the first priority of developing the 
There are other places like the Airport which if developed can have a 
tremendous economic value to the area. The priority should first be to improve 
or provide quality and sufficient services. It is such amenities that attract 
investments, which i believe the area so greatly needs to improve the biting 
economic hardships the people are facing.  It is ridiculous to think of 
affluent community when basic services are either very poor or not available 
for even the basic way of life.
So I think instead of wasting time to evaluate the degazetting process, the 
whole idea should be thrown out and those people should rather spend time on 
finding ways to provide quality services which can attract investments in the 
area. The recent power problems in Arua with WENRECO, the poor performances in 
schools, lack of quality water supply and sewarage systems, poor road networks, 
etc  should probably be things to worry and think of more than worrying about 
the process of degazetting Barifa Forest land. 
Vasco Oguzua

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