Atamva Okuti Boroa

Thank you for this observation and it is right on the spot and presented it
succinctly. I hope members on this forum will and can  reflect on what you
have articulated here.

Thank you again.

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Okuti Boroa <> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I wrote a mail that caused quite a discussion and I thought after reading
> through all the submissions that it would be wise for me to add another
> dimension.
> I have been involved and still involved in various leadership positions,
> (some voluntary and not paid) I continue to struggle for my daily bread JSome 
> of the lessons are indeed very big and serious and I would like to
> share with all the leaders in one way or another that when you start a cause
> or get involved in one that involves the society there is an unwritten law
> of accountability (not the money we collect, mine is in reference to the
> mission) to the society that you will have to observe.
> I have worked in community initiatives where I have earned zero income and
> have ended up losing face on top of that because I did not meet their
> expectations, yes all communities have expectations and again it is up to
> you as a leader to see whether you can meet them or see how they can be
> harmonized with your abilities or resources as a leadership or leadership
> team and this may serve as a lesson to all of us – what can we actually do,
> maybe we are held up between the making of daily bread and the creation of
> strategic solutions for our communities.
> So we end up lamenting because we are held hostage to a very difficult
> situation. I once stopped voluntarism because here I was thinking about a
> community when I had my own rent, food and utility bills un catered for – in
> fact a friend even asked me where my priorities were, he asked me whether I
> could solve the problems of the world while I had my own biting very hard!
> This means you must be ready as a leader to be criticised, questioned and
> shaken from time to time. It will be how you respond that will save or
> destroy the day. Most of us who were involved in the start up of this forum
> are at high level leadership and probably can understand this most so maybe
> we should avoid reactive responses, but seek solutions together with those
> that are raising the concerns (*Sometimes may be the best that they can do
> is raise concerns or criticise positively - and may be that is a quality you
> can harness to succeed as the driver of the ship*).
> The work of a leader is to create solutions all the time, and I would like
> to believe all the comments are mostly professionally motivated and not
> attacks on personalities. If I am wrong I am very sorry and will immediately
> stop posting any comments in that regard to this forum. May be I am overly
> optimistic and think that everyone understands me and that I understand
> everyone.
> I am sure you have all been in board rooms where it seems like the end of
> the world but people walk out with agreements and move on – this is because
> it is business and not personal. Anyway I will meet you all soon and those
> who will ignore me, refuse to hug me or are cold towards me and my girl
> friend and our son – I will know that they have taken it personal. If I sit
> with them at a table and they don’t buy me a beer like they usually do – I
> will know the answer – let me wait.
> I do not know if there are any hidden agenda’s, politics, ideas or other
> plans in this forum, if they have evolved then it is time for me to find
> another forum. I chose to believe that a smoothly sailing forum is like a
> marriage/relationship without quarrels and disagreements!! A BIG TIME BOMB
> I hope it is a useful lesson ......
> That is why for Terego I will campaign for Wadri and for Municipality I
> will campaign for Aridru, it’s not personal – lets avoid personalisation’s.
> --
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