Mr Hussain Amin,
You have stated the facts and just nailed it because  His Excellency Idi Amim 
Dada has neen vehemently vilified and exonerated by the negative media of the 
so called Western World, yet on the contrary the worst atrocities committed 
against humanities in the entire world is by the leaders of these countries 
apparently on the grounds of liberation, freedom and human empowerment,. 
However, unbeknown to many it is done for the interest of their citizens. A 
classic example is the war in Iraq, it was not for the freedom for the Iraq 
Citizens rather for the Oil. Whenever l am asked about my genesis, the moment l 
say Uganda, it generates the negative vibe about H.E.IAD, never do l hear 
anything positive that would override the negative media about him so until l 
explain to them the reason(s) for portraying H.E. IAD in a negative way is not 
true. The fact is, he refused to succumb to the orders from the leaders of the 
Western world.  He challenged the leaders of these worlds mainly from UK and 
USA against all odds. Henceforth, they didn't like it, instead portrayed him as 
a monster. Numerous occasions, the issue about the Ugandan Asians comes up and 
it is always the why question the demand for the answer(s). Just like Mr 
Hissein Amin has plainly stated there were racist and if l may add being 
secretly empowered and privileged by the Uk government. There is even more 
valid significant patriotic reason l read about the genesis of H.E. IAD, please 
quote me if l am wrong or right. For some who might not know the history of the 
Lado Kingdom,  apparently part of Westnioe and Upper Sudan is the Lado Kingdom, 
members of the Royal family of the Lado Kingdom were assassinated with a 
collaboration between the UK and the Belgian government. The soldiers from  
India were brought in to cleanse the entire citizens of the Lado Kingdom. A 
doing decision was made to wipe it off the world map, then partitioned into 
Westnile and Sudan.  When H.E. IAD learnt of the atrocities/crimes that was 
committed against the Monarchy and it's citizens then upon learning the 
on-going collaboration between the UK government and the Ugandan Asians, He 
ordered them to leave within 30 days.  Not many are aware of the main reason 
behind the expulsion of the Asians... Many times when l state facts as supposed 
to purported lies about H.E. IAD,  people are in disbelief and conclude that 
the Agents of the Western media always provide that is inaccurate. There is so 
mych Social Injustuce and inequality in this world. I welcome and look forward 
to comments/feedback from Mr Hussain Amin... You will have notuced mistakes in 
my write up but it is due to typing errors as l am still lying in😀😀On 
this note, l rest my case.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Wed, 16 Sep 2020 at 6:07, Patrick Anguti<> wrote:   
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