A. Share the lessons from the recent Git for Girls workshop - Kaustav &
    Some ideas that came during the discussion are
    1. Introducing people to github is a good way to make people use git
    2. Use cartonns/comic formats to introduce git to newbies.
    3. Due to delay and other stuffs, Kaustav could not finish what he
planned. An idea could be to factor in such delays and stuff and ask for
more time. Say 3 hours. We can also include a short introduction to CLI for
those who do not know it.
    4. How to balance theory and practical commands on git?
    5. Share about git-g - a GUI to use git.
    6. How to involve people in the learning process? One way is to have a
list on the names of all participants on a text file. Have typos in each
name intentionally and make the participants fix them by sending pull
   7. We need to present things more visually, more practically and from
the general perspective of things. Lots of people are not at all excited
about anything remotely FOSS till they find out, or they understand what it
is. We've to find a way to get participants relate to git.

B. Fix a date for upcoming IRC workshop and finalize its planning -
Tarashish & Upasana

     22nd September - IRC workshop
     19th September  - Demo run
     Tarashish and Upasana will be conducting the workshop. Those who wish
to volunteer, please let them know.

C. No much discussion on the event on SFD since it was quite late.

The chat log is here - http://irclogs.wfs-india.org/wfs-india/2013/09/06.txt

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