Karsten Thygesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>>> "Dan" == Dan Harkless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Dan> Howdy.  Hopefully this hasn't already been covered -- still
>  Dan> slogging through my backlog of email.  Is it expected for the
>  Dan> CVS server to be down on sunsite.dk until that disk problem gets
>  Dan> cleared up?  I'm not sure what all's implied by the wget
>  Dan> "mirror" being unavailable.
> No, the web-pages, cvs repository, news groups and mailinglists is
> still online. It's "only" the distribution in the ftp space, which is
> offline.

Well, your CVS server was definitely not responding up through yesterday (I
see it's back up now).  Last time this happened someone said something along
the lines of your CVS server needing to be restarted manually every time you
reboot the machine?  Is this because you have it configured to need a manual
password entry at startup or something?

Dan Harkless            | To help prevent SPAM contamination,
GNU Wget co-maintainer  | please do not mention this email
http://sunsite.dk/wget/ | address in Usenet posts -- thank you.

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