
I am using wget to invoke a CGI script call, while passing it several
variables.  For example:

wget -O myfile.txt
"http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/myscript.cgi?COLOR=blue&SHAPE=circle"

where myscript.cgi say, makes an image based on the parameters "COLOR" and
"SHAPE".  The problem I am having is when I need to pass a key/value pair
where the value contains the "&" character.  Such as:

wget -O myfile.txt "http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/myscript.cgi?COLOR=blue
& red&SHAPE=circle"

I have tried encoding the "&" as %26, but that does not seem to work (spaces
as %20 works fine).  The error log for the web server shows that the URL
requested does not say %26, but rather "&".  It does not appear to me that
wget is sending the %26 as %26, but perhaps "fixing" it to "&".

I am using GNU wget v1.5.3 with Red Hat 7.0


David Christopher Asher

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