> The following errors were produced with the immediate following
> command:
> make -f Makefile.cvs
> autoconf
> configure.in:147: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to
> allow cross compiling
> configure.in:150: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to
> allow cross compiling
> configure.in:151: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to
> allow cross compiling

These are not errors, this is just autoconf warning you about a call
to AC_TRY_RUN macro without the optional parameter
"action-if-cross-compiling". As a result, it won't be possible to
cross-compile the code - hence the warning. 

-- jan

 Jan Prikryl        | vr|vis center for virtual reality and visualisation
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.vrvis.at

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