
> > 2. Wouldn't it be a good idea to mention the 
> > deletion of the -nh option in a file?
> Maybe.  What file do you have in mind?

First and foremost 
the "news" file, but I think it would also not be misplaced in 
wget.html and/or wget.hlp /.info (whatever it is called on Unix

> > 3. on a different aspect:
> > All command lines with -nh that were created before 1.8 are now
> > non-functional,
> Those command lines will need to be adjusted for the new Wget.  This
> is sad, but unavoidable.  Wget's command line options don't change
> every day, but they are not guaranteed to be cast in stone either.

I don't expect them to be lasting forever, 
I just meant that simply ignoring -nh in wget 1.8 
would have been an easy way to avoid the hassle.
I am of course thinking of my wGetGUI, where "no host look-up" is an
So, I no have either to explain every user (not reading any manual of
that s/he should only use this option if they have an old wget version.
Or I could simply delete the -nh option and say that it is not important
for all the users of old wget versions.
And then there is the problem if someone upgrades from an old wget to a
one, but keeps his/her old copy of wgetgui, which now of course produces 
invalid 1.8 command lines :(



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