On 17/01/2002 07:34:05 Herold Heiko wrote:
[proper order restored]
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Hrvoje Niksic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 2:15 AM
>> To: Michael Jennings
>> Subject: Re: Bug report: 1) Small error 2) Improvement to Manual
>> Michael Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > 1) There is a very small bug in WGet version 1.8.1. The bug occurs
>> >    when a .wgetrc file is edited using an MS-DOS text editor:
>> >
>> > WGet returns an error message when the .wgetrc file is terminated
>> > with an MS-DOS end-of-file mark (Control-Z). MS-DOS is the
>> > command-line language for all versions of Windows, so ignoring the
>> > end-of-file mark would make sense.
>> Ouch, I never thought of that.  Wget opens files in binary mode and
>> handles the line termination manually -- but I never thought to handle
>> ^Z.
>> As much as I'd like to be helpful, I must admit I'm loath to encumber
>> the code with support for this particular thing.  I have never seen it
>> before; is it only an artifact of DOS editors, or is it used on
>> Windows too?

[snip "copy con file.txt"]
>However in this case (at least when I just tried) the file won't contain
>the ^Z. OTOH some DOS programs still will work on NT4, NT2k and XP, and
>could be used, and would create files ending with ^Z. But do they really
>belong here and should wget be bothered ?
>What we really need to know is:
>Is ^Z still a valid, recognized character indicating end-of-file (for
>textmode files) for command shell programs on windows NT 4/2k/Xp ?
>Somebody with access to the *windows standards* could shed more light on
>this question ?
>My personal idea is:
>As a matter of fact no *windows* text editor I know of, even the
>supplied windows ones (notepad, wordpad) AFAIK will add the ^Z at the
>end of file.txt. Wget is a *windows* program (although running in
>console mode), not a *Dos* program (except for the real dos port I know
>exists but never tried out).

I don't think there's a distinction between DOS and Windows programs
in this regard. The C runtime library is most likely to play a
significant role here. For a file fopen-ed in "rt" mode, teh RTL
would convert \r\n -> \n and silently eat the _first_ ^Z,
returning EOF at that point.

When writing, it goes the other way 'round WRT \n->\r\n.
I'm unsure about whether it writes ^Z at the end, though.

>So personally I'd say it would not be really necessary adding support
>for the ^Z, even in the win32 port; except possibly for the Dos port, if
>the porter of that beast thinks it would be useful.

Problem could be solved by opening .netrc in "rt"
However, the "t" is a non-standard extension.

However, this is not wget's problem IMO. Different editors may behave
differently. Example: on OS/2 (which isn't a DOS shell, but can run
DOS programs), the system editor (e.exe) *does* append a ^Z at the end
of every file it saves. People have patched the binary to remove this
feature :-) AFAIK no other OS/2 editor does this.

Csaba Ráduly, Software Engineer                           Sophos Anti-Virus
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