
I got another bug reported (http://bugs.debian.org/139059):


roadkill:~/wget-1.8.1/src# wget -r http://www:s/
Segmentation fault
roadkill:~/wget-1.8.1/src# wget -r iftp://www.example.org/
Segmentation fault

Doesn't look to be exploitable, I think. When recursive mode is on, wget
uses a queueing system to pull down the urls. In 1.8.1, it was changed to 
parse the input url into a cannonical form. Only problem is, it doesn't
test the return of url_parse for errors. url_parse returns null on error 
and sets an error code that's supplied, but in recursive mode wget does
not test for a null return *or* supply an error variable."

Bug reporter attached a patch for this problem which I will send to


        Nočl Köthe

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