Hi Nočl!

are totally different.

from wget 1.7.1 (I think the last version to offer both):
     Disable the time-consuming DNS lookup of almost all hosts (*note
     Host Checking::).

     Disable generation of host-prefixed directories.  By default,
     invoking Wget with `-r http://fly.srk.fer.hr/' will create a
     structure of directories beginning with `fly.srk.fer.hr/'.  This
     option disables such behavior.

For wget 1.8.x -nh became the default behavior.
Switching back to host-look-up is not possible.
I already complained that many old scripts now break and suggested 
that entering -nh at the command line would 
either be completely ignored or the user would be 
informed and wget executed nevertheless.
Apparently this was not regarded as useful.


> The option --no-host-directories
> changed from -nh to -nH (v1.8.1).
> Is there a reason for this?
> It breaks a lot of scripts when upgrading,
> I think.
> Could this be changed back to -nh?
> Thank you.
> -- 
>       Nočl Köthe

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