Hallo Markus!

This is not a bug (I reckon) and should therefore have been sent to 
the normal wget list.

Using both wget 1.7.1 and 1.8.1 on Windows the file is 
downloaded with 

wget -d -U "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/2.2.1; Linux)" -r

as well as with

wget http://www.cuj.com/images/resource/experts/alexandr.gif

So, I do not know what your problem is, but is neither wget#s nor cuj's
fault, AFAICT.


> This problem is independent on whether a proxy is used or not:
> The download hangs, though I can read the content using konqueror.
> So what do cuj people do to inhibit automatic download and how can
> I circumvent it?
> wget --proxy=off -d -U "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/2.2.1; Linux)"
> -r http://www.cuj.com/images/resource/experts/alexandr.gif
> DEBUG output created by Wget 1.7 on linux.
> parseurl ("http://www.cuj.com/images/resource/experts/alexandr.gif";) ->
> host www.cuj.com -> opath images/resource/experts/alexandr.gif -> dir
> images/resource/experts -> file alexandr.gif -> ndir
> images/resource/experts
> newpath: /images/resource/experts/alexandr.gif
> Checking for www.cuj.com in host_name_address_map.
> Checking for www.cuj.com in host_slave_master_map.
> First time I hear about www.cuj.com by that name; looking it up.
> Caching www.cuj.com <->
> Checking again for www.cuj.com in host_slave_master_map.
> --14:32:35--  http://www.cuj.com/images/resource/experts/alexandr.gif
>            => `www.cuj.com/images/resource/experts/alexandr.gif'
> Connecting to www.cuj.com:80... Found www.cuj.com in
> host_name_address_map:
> Created fd 3.
> connected!
> ---request begin---
> GET /images/resource/experts/alexandr.gif HTTP/1.0
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/2.2.1; Linux)
> Host: www.cuj.com
> Accept: */*
> Connection: Keep-Alive
> ---request end---
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
> nothing happens ....
> Markus

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