On 2002-09-20 08:15 +0200, Dominic Chambers wrote:

> I am using wget 1.82 on Win2K SP2, and wget froze on the fifth


> downloaded file 'prn.html' using the command line:
> wget -r -l0 -A htm,html,png,gif,jpg,jpeg --no-parent
> http://java.sun.com/products/jlf/at/book
> About twenty seconds after it stops, I get Windows complaining that
> there is no available printer (I don't have one), and canceling the
> job does not cause wget to resume processing.

If I remember correctly (it's been a long time), DOS knows when
you're trying to access a device by looking at the *basename*
(minus path and extension) of the file. As of MS-DOS 6.22, the
list of reserved names was AUX, COM{1,2,3,4}, CON, LPT{1,2,3}, NUL
and PRN. I'm not sure what the list is in the various incarnations
of Windows, nor if it's set in stone (could new reserved names be
added by loading drivers ?).

André Majorel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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