Hi all :))

    This is my first message on this list and as usual is a call for
help ;) Well, the question is that I don't know if this is a bug
(haven't look at the sources yet) and I can't find nothing in the

    So, prior to send a bug report, I want to make sure this is a bug
and not my fault O:)

    Let's go to the matter: when I download, thru FTP, some
hierarchy, the spaces are translated as '%20'. Nothing wrong with
that, of course, it is a safe behaviour. In fact, when files with
spaces in their names are saved, the %20 is translated back to a real
space. But its not the case for directóries, that are created with
%20 treated as three characters, literally the sequence "%20". An
example, server side:

    A directory/With a file in it.txt

    while downloading we can see:




    and locally they are stored as:

    A%20directory/With a file in it.txt

    This looks like a bug for me... For the details, I'm using wget
version 1.8.2, and the only options passed are '-c', '-r' and '-nH'
(and, of course, the URL ;))).

    Any help? Is this a bug?

    Thanks a lot in advance :)

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736
http://www.pleyades.net & http://raul.pleyades.net/

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