I was hoping to separate the usual news,
$ wget  http://abc.iis.sinica.edu.tw/
--09:26:00--  http://abc.iis.sinica.edu.tw/
           => `index.html'
Resolving localhost... done.
Connecting to localhost[]:8080... connected.

from the bad news,

Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 503 Connect failed
09:26:00 ERROR 503: Connect failed.

but I see they both go to stderr.

Also, none of the command line switches affect one without affecting
the other.

Yes, stdout is reserved for -O -, but there ought to be a switch that
will cause no output on stdout unless it is real error output... even -nv
doesn't do that.

I must now write
if wget -Y off -t 1 --spider http://jidanni.org/index.html > $t 2>&1
then :
else cat $t >> $HOME/errors
rm $t

when instead, wget --real-errors-only-please -q ... >> $HOME/errors

Would have done.  Then a test -s $HOME/errors is all that would be
needed to know there had been trouble.

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