OK, I see.
But I do not agree.
And I don't think it is a good idea to treat the first download special.

In my opinion, exit status 0 means "everything during the whole 
retrieval went OK".
My prefered solution would be to set the final exit status to the highest
exit status of all individual downloads. Of course, retries which are 
triggered by "--tries" should erase the exit status of the previous attempt.
A non-zero exit status does not mean "nothing went OK" but "some individual
downloads failed somehow".
And setting a non-zero exit status does not mean wget has to stop
retrieval immediately, it is OK to continue.

Again, wget's behaviour is not what the user expects.

And the user has always the possibility to make combinations of
--accept, --reject, --domains, etc. so in normal cases all 
individual downloads succeed, if he needs a exit status 0.
If he does not care about exit status, there is no problem at all,
of course...


Zitat von Hrvoje Niksic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> This problem is not specific to timeouts, but to recursive download (-r).
> When downloading recursively, Wget expects some of the specified
> downloads to fail and does not propagate that failure to the code that
> sets the exit status.  This unfortunately includes the first download,
> which should probably be an exception.

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