On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Tony Lewis wrote:

> It would be the same logically equivalent to the following three commands:
> wget --user-agent='my robot' --post-data 'data=foo' POST URL1
> wget --user-agent='my robot' --post-data 'data=bar' POST URL2
> wget --user-agent='my robot' --referer=URL3 GET URL4

Just as a comparison, this approach is basicly what we've went with in curl
(curl has supported this kind of operations for years, including support for
multipart formposts which I guess is next up for adding to wget! ;-P).  There
are just too many options or specifics that you can set, so having them all
possible to change between several URLs specified on the command line makes
the command line parser complicated and the command lines even more complex.

The main thing this described approach requires (that I can think of) is that
wget would need to store session cookies as well in the cookie file (I believe
I read that it doesn't atm).

         -=- Daniel Stenberg -=- http://daniel.haxx.se -=-
  ech`echo xiun|tr nu oc|sed 'sx\([sx]\)\([xoi]\)xo un\2\1 is xg'`ol

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