At 06:30 PM 11/25/2003, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
Are you using --timestamping (-N)?  If so, can you do without it, or
replace it with --no-clobber?

But then you will only download new files, not newer files? But I want the newer files (updated virus definition files from

And I tried -nc on downloading only new files from While it worked, the comparison is very slow, a significant fraction of a second to compare each file. With over 700 files to compare and refuse, it takes a long time to perform the comparison operation on all of the files. With -N, and comparing using the .listing file, the comparison of all 700 files takes only about a second after the .listing file has been downloaded, and the download of the one new file (or two or three new files if a couple of days have gone by) begins immediately.


Fred Holmes

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