"Hrvoje Niksic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Making `-b' work would be great.  But is it really desirable for
> ctrl-break to put Wget in background?  I thought ctrl-break was
> supposed to interrupt and abort the program, like ^C on Unix?  Hmm,
> now I see that ctrl-break backgrounds Wget even now, so I guess people
> don't mind; I don't remember receiving a report for this.

ws_handler() now acts on ^C and ^Break depending on #define.
Maybe Windows could be told to use ^Z as interrupt key?.

> redirections on Windows (as far as I know).  But does something like
> `wget -O - > FILE' work now?  How about `wget -O - | command...'?  If
> those currently work, we might want to be careful not to break them.

Using "-" and redirection works if linking as a console app (the default). 
And "wget -O- http://host/index.html | most" works fine, but not as a 
GUI app. Since a GUI app (or a subsystem 2 specified in the PE-header), 
doesn't get a console when it's started. 

If I in my shell (4NT or CMD) do:

> wget http://host/file.tar.gz & gzip -d file.tar.gz

The shell is smart enough to run those 2 commands in series. If wget
is a GUI app, it runs them in parallell causing gzip to fail.

> wget -O- http://host/index.html | most

works kind of; only some of the stdout data gets displayed.


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