Michael Bingel wrote:
Hi there,

I was looking for a tool to retrieve web pages and print them to standard out. As windows user I tried wget from Cygwin, but it created a file and I could not find the option to redirect output to standard out.

Then I browsed throught the online documentation and found the -O option in the manual (http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget-1.8.1/html_mono/wget.html#IDX131).

I thought great, problem solved, but Cygwin wget version 1.9 does not accept "-O", although the NEWS file does not state removal of this feature.

Your official site (http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html) states 1.8 as latest version with the option -O in the manual, so why can Cygwin have version 1.9 and does not support -O ?

kind regards,

It might help if you would post the invocations you tried and also the output Wget produced.

But, I'd guess you probably had a non-option argument before –O. For a while now, the version of getopt_long() included with Cygwin has had argument permutation disabled by default. (It's recently been re-enabled in CVS, but not yet in a released version.) So, under Cygwin you'll need to place all option arguments before any non-option arguments. Like this, for instance:

$ wget –O - http://www.gnu.org/

HTH, Cheers

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