> Well, I found out a little bit more about the
> real reason for the problem. Opera has a very
> convenient option called "Encode International
> Web Addresses with UTF-8." When I had this
> option checked, it could retrieve the file
> without problems. Without this option enabled,
> I get the same "forbidden" response that I
> received when I used wget.
> In my never-humble opinion, wget needs this
> ability also. I had hoped that using the option
> --restrict-file-names=nocontrol would have
> disabled encoding of the URL, but apparently,
> it does not.


Opera is doing special encoding for some types of web addresses and you
hoped that disabling ALL encoding would somehow make wget do the same thing?

If special encoding is required: 1) someone has to write the code in wget to
perform that encoding and 2) it has to be ENabled (not DISabled).


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