Sorry I can't help you Benjamin, but could you or anyone on the list help me?


I hope someone can help me. I don't know much about wget, so I need help with downloading a file on the internet.

I need to download this file every 30 minutes into a directory on my computer.

Each new download can overwrite the previously downloaded file.

This needs to be automatic (ie I don't want the command prompt open, and I don't want to enter a command more than once - ever)

First, can this be done with wget?

If so, could you give me the appropriate command to do this?

I am successful at downloading the file and overwriting it in my directory, but it won't keep doing it automatically. Here is what I am using as a command:

wget --wait=1800 -–output-document=C:\MoteMDM\BBRT\QlogDB.mdb “”;

The file only downloads once, and won't download again after every 1800 seconds????


Bufford, Benjamin (AGRE) wrote:

I am trying to use wget to retrieve a file from an OpenVMS server but have been unable 
to make wget to process a path with a volume name in it.  For example:


How would I go about entering this type of path in a way that wget can understand?

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  • Wget Help Christopher J. Higham

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