Martin Trautmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 2005-03-21 17:13, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
>> Martin Trautmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > is there a fix when file names are too long?
>> I'm afraid not.  The question here would be, how should Wget know the
>> maximum size of file name the file system supports?  I don't think
>> there's a portable way to determine that.
> Where did the warning come from that stated "File name too long'?

I don't think it's a warning; it's an error that came from trying to
open the file.  By the time this error occurs, it's pretty much too
late to change the file name.

> If the writing failed, you'll know for sure that either writing was
> not possible or that the file name was too long.

Exactly -- there can be a number of reasons why opening a file fails,
and large file name is only one of them.

>> Maybe there should be a way for --restrict-file-names to handle this
>> too.
> I guess the problem is less how to identify too long filenames, but
> more how to handle them.

Identifying them is the harder problem.  Imposing an arbitrary limit
would hurt file systems with larger limits.

> It might be easier to use e.g. the suggested md5 checksum instead -

It might be useful to have an option that did that.  The problem is
that it's a very heavy-handed solution -- looking at the file name
would no longer provide a hint from which URL the file came from.

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