I think you should be using a tool like linklint (www.linklint.org) not wget.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean-Marc MOLINA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <wget@sunsite.dk>
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Getting list of files

Shahram Bakhtiari wrote:
I would like to share my experience of my failed attempt on using
wget to get the list of files.
I used the following command to get a list of all existing mp3 files,
without really downloading them:

wget --http-user=peshvar2000 --http-passwd=peshvar2000 -r -np --spider
"http://www.peshvar.com/music/mp3/amir aram"

I don't understand how you can expect wget to "get list of files" using
these options. -r is for recursive and -np for no parent... I'm also trying
to get a list of files so hopefully I will find a solution and post it.


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