"Schatzman, James (Mission Systems)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> However, I have tried versions 1.10, 1.10.1, and 1.10.2, and they
> all appear to do the same thing- attempt to connect directly to the
> server (at port 443) instead of going through the proxy. Here is
> what I see
> 1) HTTP server, no proxy - works fine
> 2) HTTPS server, no proxy - works fine
> 3) HTTP server, proxy - works fine
> 4) HTTPS server, proxy - does not work

Have you set the `https_proxy' environment variable to the proxy
server address?

> In other words, it appears that the fix reported in the 1.10 release
> did not take. Any suggestions?

The bug referred to in the release notes manifested itself
differently: Wget would connect to the proxy server, and request the
https URL using GET.  The proxies (correctly) refused to obey this
order, as it would pretty much defeat the purpose of using SSL.

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