Thanks for the reply. I somewhat agree with you and will post a question
to fedora but my concern is that curl also uses getaddrinfo and once I
disabled IPv6, curl began working. It's as if wget is defaulting
getaddrinfo's ai_family to PF_INET6 and never attempting PF_INET.
Thanks again.

> Maybe you should file a bug with the Fedora people.  I don't think Wget
> is doing anything wrong in the IPv6 department.  It basically calls
> getaddrinfo and accepts both types of addresses (preferring IPv4
> addresses for connecting, unless specified otherwise).  That
> getaddrinfo should fail means something must be broken in the build or
> on the installation.
> As a workaround, you can put "ipv4_only=1" to /etc/wgetrc.

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