From: Mitch Silverstein

> If -O output file and -N are both specified [...]

   When "-O foo" is specified, it's not a suggestion for a file name to
be used later if needed.  Instead, wget opens the output file ("foo")
before it does anything else.  Thus, it's always a newly created file,
and hence tends to be newer than any any file existing on any server
(whose date-time is set correctly).

   "-O" has its uses, but it makes no sense to combine it with "-N". 
Remember, too, that wget allows more than one URL to be specified on a
command line, so multiple URLs may be associated with a single "-O"
output file.  What sense does "-N" make then?

   It might make some sense to create some positional option which would
allow a URL-specific output file, like, say, "-OO", to be used so:

      wget http://a.b.c/d.e -OO not_dd.e http://g.h.i/j.k -OO not_j.k

but I don't know if the existing command-line parser could handle that. 
Alternatively, some other notation could be adopted, like, say,
"file=URL", to be used so:

      wget not_dd.e=http://a.b.c/d.e not_j.k=http://g.h.i/j.k

   But that's not what "-O" does, and that's why you're (or your
expectations are) doomed.


   Steven M. Schweda               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

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