
Using 1.10.2, I tried to wget a file from a website that runs on the same 
physical server. This fails. Wget resolves the address, but then tries to get 
to file from the FIRST DEFINED virtual server, as if I typed 'wget 

Here's the output (sorry, server runs Dutch localization):

prolinus:~ # wget -m http://www.flisvos-sportclub.com/images/webcam.jpg
--11:29:21--  http://www.flisvos-sportclub.com/images/webcam.jpg
           => `www.flisvos-sportclub.com/images/webcam.jpg'
Herleiden van www.flisvos-sportclub.com...
Verbinding maken met www.flisvos-sportclub.com||:80... verbonden.
HTTP-verzoek is verzonden, wachten op antwoord... 403 Forbidden
11:29:21 Fout 403: Forbidden.

KLAAR --11:29:21--
Opgehaald: 0 bytes in 0 bestanden

Apache's error log:
[Mon Jan 08 11:29:21 2007] [error] [client] client denied by 
server configuration: /srv/www/htdocs/images

The directory is the first defined DocumentRoot, and not the DocumentRoot of 
the actual website.

Edwin Boersma

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