From: Alan Thomas

   As usual, "wget" without a version does not adequately describe the
"wget" program you're using, "Internet Explorer" without a version does
not adequately describe the Web browser you're using, and I can only
assume that you're doing all this on some version or other of Windows.

   It might help to know which of everything you're using.  (But it
might not.)

   Using "GNU Wget 1.10.2c built on VMS Alpha V7.3-2" ("wget -V"), I had
no such trouble with either a Mozilla or an old Netscape 3 browser.  (I
did need to rename the resulting file to something with fewer exotic
characters before I could get either browser to admit that the file
existed, but it's hard to see how that could matter much.)

   It's not obvious to me how any browser could invent a URL to which to
go Back, so my first guess is operator error, but it's even less obvious
to me how anything wget could do could cause this behavior, either.

   You might try it with Firefox or any browser with no history which
might confuse a Back button.  If there's a way to blame wget for this,
I'll be amazed.  (That has happened before, however.)


   Steven M. Schweda               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

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