Martin Petricek wrote:
I am using wget 1.10.2 (last time compiled with mingw32 on windows, but I use it on other platforms too).

When I download file from server, timestamp is set to match the file on server. This may be appropriate for some users, but for me it is more important the time I have downloaded the file, not the time server tells about it. I found no option to turn off the timestamping in the "wget -- help" option list. As I looked briefly in the source, there seem to be no option to turn this off.

I think adding some switch to turn off timestamping (i.e. do not touch() the file and ignore time from the server) would be nice (preferably something that can be put into wgetrc...), so I won't get to patch and compile every time new wget comes out on every system I come to ...

This should be easy to make and include in the wget source (Maybe the toughest part will be to find some unused letter for the option :)

Martin Petricek   GPG/PGP Public key:
Fingerprint 6AA8 FFCE C061 1CB2 55F0  A1F3 3AA9 EB4F BD50 C1B8
| WWW:                     |

I've got the same problem and would be happy to have such a switch.

- Ingo Esser

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