Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the hostname '' resoles back to an NX domain 

"NXDOMAIN" is short hand for non-existent domain. It means the domain name
system doesn't know the IP address of the domain. (It would be like me
having a non-published telephone number; if you know my number, you can call
me, but it won't do you any good to call directory assistance because they
can't tell you my number.)

If your web browser is able to find the site then it should be possible for
wget to find it too. But, since it's not a straightforward DNS lookup,
you'll have to figure out how your browser is pulling off the magic.

One way to do that is to run with a local proxy (such as Achilles) and study
what happens between your browser and the server. If you compare that with
the debug output of wget, you'll have an idea of where the flow is different
and what wget might do to make it work.

I'm sure someone can point out open-source options for the proxy. :-)

Have fun exploring.


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