From: Alan Thomas

> [...]  Putting "/l*.htm" at the end of the URL did not work:
> Warning: wildcards not supported in HTTP.
> Putting l*.htm after the URL (separated with a space) did not work
> either.

   It's not a UNIX problem, it's an HTTP problem/limitation.  You can't
ask the HTTP (Web) server to send you all the "l*.htm" files.  It's just
not one of the allowed requests.  You _can_ do this sort of thing with
an _FTP_ server, but not with an HTTP server.

   Wget follows hyperlinks, so if the Web page of interest here has a
bunch of links to files, and you would like it to follow only some of
them, it appears to me that the best you can get (from wget version
1.10.2) is these:

Recursive accept/reject:
  -A,  --accept=LIST               comma-separated list of accepted extensions.
  -R,  --reject=LIST               comma-separated list of rejected extensions.

which don't appear do what you want.

   You might need to suck down the first Web page, edit it locally to
remove the links you'd like not to follow, and then ask wget to start
with the modified page.  (Which sounds like a lot of work.)  If you can
get the stuff using FTP instead of HTTP, it would look a lot easier.


   Steven M. Schweda               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

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