
I have an idea which wget would be perfectly suited for, or at least I think it would. I need to verify that my
assumptions are correct, of course, so I thought I'd ask the "source".

My goal is to rather cheaply generate a system using wget and its output (piped into something else like awk) to generate response time information for some websites. There would be multiple linux/unix hosts running wget to hit certain resources on the target servers and log out (in some approximation of high resolution) the response times for each resource and dependent sub-resource. I'm pretty sure that all I would need is the timestamp relating to each record to include millis so i can approximate "math" on them.

1) Would I be missing anything about the internals of that logging information, or the timing of the generation of that

2) Would it be difficult to do this (understanding that while i don't need full posix compatibility, that your project may require that)?

3) Would it be worthwhile to add this as a "feature" or compilation option (which I don't quite understand if it really is possible without patching?)

Any responses would be appreciated, of course.

Linwood Ma

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