>From Tony Lewis:

> In which case, wget should do something reasonable (generate an error
> message, truncate the file name, etc.).  [...]

   Sadly, this is easier said than done.  Around here (VMS), the
complaint is "i/o error".  I haven't tried it on a UNIX, but it could
easily be different there, too.  VMS offers a ayatem service which can
be used to parse a file specification and test it for legality, but I
don't know how you would do it elsewhere.  On some Linux system(s),
there seems to be a distictive code/message ("File name too long"):


   Simply truncating the name would be asking for collisions, and "etc."
would seem to involve actual work, especially when converting links to


   Steven M. Schweda               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

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