
I want to post data on a german website called http://clever-tanken.de.
First of all I have to login, get the cookie. Piece of cake.
That I have to post data. Shouldn't be hard ether.

So here is the HTML-Code:

So I just post the data like the login.
The only thing I'll get is:
--14:32:01--  http://clever-tanken.de/tchange3.asp?id=1198
           => `tchange3.asp?id=1198.1'
Auflösen des Hostnamen »clever-tanken.de«....
Verbindungsaufbau zu clever-tanken.de||:80... verbunden.
HTTP Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort... 500 Internal Server Error
14:32:02 FEHLER 500: Internal Server Error.

I send the same datastring that I captured using wireshark:

Here is my little twoliner:
wget -o aaaaa --save-cookies clever_tanken_cookie --keep-session-cookies --post-data=user=<username>\&pass=<password> --reject=jpg,gif,ico,css http://clever-tanken.de/login.asp # The login works. If I wget a file that only loged on users can see it # works fine. wget -o aaa3 --load-cookies clever_tanken_cookie --keep-session-cookies --post-data=id=1198\&diesel=1%2C099\&diesel2=0%2C000\&normal=1%2C329\&super=1%2C349\&super2=1%2C409\&diesel3=0%2C000\&erdgas=0%2C000\&autogas=0%2C000\&zweitakt=1 http://clever-tanken.de/tchange3.asp

I'm sorry that I can't hook you up with a username to see for yourself.

Does anybody got any Ideas where I can find what I do wrong? What am I missing?

I wget 1.10.2 that came with Debian GNU/Linux testing.

Thanks Ben Pfitzner

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