Hash: SHA256

Christian Roche wrote:
> Hi there,


> please find attached two small patches that could be
> considered for wget (against revision 2276).
> patch-utils changes the file renaming mechanism when
> the -nc option is in effect.  Instead of trying to
> rename  a file to file.1, file.2 etc, it tries
> prefix-1.suffix, prefix-2.suffix etc, thus preserving
> the filename extension if any.

This seems reasonable.

> This is necessary to
> avoid a bug otherwise when the -A option is used:
> renamed files are rejected because they don't match
> the required suffix, although they should really be
> kept.

Regardless of whether this particular approach is taken, this needs to
be addressed.

> patch-http provides two new options, --min-size (-s)
> and --max-size (-M), although the shortcuts could
> obviously be changed.  Non-HTML files that don't fit
> these constraints (expressed in kB) will simply not be
> retrieved.  This relies on the Content-Length HTTP
> header and will not work for FTP. This is quite useful
> when retrieving jpeg images from a site to avoid
> thumbnails for instance, as explained in the related
> documentation paragraph.

This seems reasonable as well. We should probably allow for it to be
expressed in a variety of other units, though (bytes, megabytes). Also,
I'm not keen on spending any of our few remaining small options on this.

Thanks for these!

- --
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...

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