Micah Cowan wrote:
Brian Keck wrote:
Sometimes -p doesn't work.  For instance:

        wget -p http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbig-Haro_object

In this case, it appears that you've bumped into the fact that wget, by
default, will refuse to cross hostname boundaries to download things,
unless you tell it otherwise. You want the -H option.

Hmm, an interesting observation from that... am I missing something, or is there not currently an easy way to tell wget to span hosts in the same domain, but not span domains? For example, spanning to upload.wikipedia.org makes sense when grabbing from en.wikipedia.org, but spanning to casa.colorado.edu, www.daviddarling.info or sparky.rice.edu (to steal the external references from the mentioned article) probably isn't desired.

Might be a useful wish for some point in the unspecified future.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish" -- the dolphins

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