On 13/09/2007, Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alex Owen wrote:
> >
> > I think it would be nice if the exit code of wget could be inspected
> > to determin if wget failed because of a 404 error or some other
> > reason.
> Hi Alex,
> We do plan to look evaluate differentiation of exit statuses at some
> point in the future;

Hi Micah,
Thanks for your prompt reply!
Glad it is on the ToDo list even if a low priotity.

> it just needs a final agreement on how exit codes
> should be divided, which means discussion. Actual implementation will be
> trivial. But, in the meantime, I'm not sure I want to introduce
> different exit codes on an individual basis.

Fair comment!

For my Debian usage case we would in fact want to use "busybox
wget"... however we would want to keep that compatible with GNU-wget
for obvious reasons.
So thanks for the bug pointer... I will track that to see how the
"final agreement on how exit codes should be divided" works out then I
help patch busybox wget to match your spec!

Alex Owen

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