Zitat von Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > Just curious: what is now holding back a release of the 1.11 version?
> *sigh*, just waiting on the disclaimer from my employer. I actually
> really expect to get that finished up this week, though. I'm told that
> the company lawyer has already approved it, but they need to get that
> approval back in writing, so it should be _really_ soon.

Ah, that is now a type of reason I had not thought of  ;-)

> > And I have already again a number of my "strange cases" which I did not
> want to
> > report during the "last minutes" before the anticipated release  ;-)
> Oh noes!... well, better sock 'em to me. Better to know about them than
> to remain ignorant, at any rate. The worst that can happen is I decide
> to punt 'em until a 1.11 patch release, or later: and if they're really
> _really_ awful (which seems relatively unlikely at this point, but...),
> then I'll want to fix them ASAP before the release.

Hmm, these are "really strange cases" with some "really strange hosts" only.
Involved are content-disposition (again ;-) and redirection. Often wget somehow
"loses" the Content-Length information and keeps on downloading "ad infinitum".
I did not yet try to research it in detail, but help me with
no-content-disposition and -O to set the file-name, which always works.

Best Regards,

Jochen Roderburg
University of Cologne
Robert-Koch-Str. 10                    Tel.:   +49-221/478-7024
D-50931 Koeln                          E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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