On Feb 19, 2008 11:25 PM, Steven M. Schweda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Charles
> > In wget 1.10, [...]
>    Have you tried this in something like a current release (1.11, or
> even 1.10.2)?

My wget version is 1.10.2. It isn't really a problem for me, I just
want to know if this is a known problem or if it is not, whether it
could be considered a bug/enhancement.

>       http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/
> > [...] but for some reason (buggy server), [...]
>    How should wget know that it's getting a bogus error from your "buggy
> server", and not getting a valid error from a working server?

The problem is that the server does not give error. Normal web server
like apache gives request range unsatisfied error if we try to request
range 10000- for a file which size is 10000 but this webserver give
HTTP 200 OK where wget will happily redownload the file. I think in
this case, if the -c switch is given on the command line and the web
server returns HTTP 200 OK with content-length header of n bytes and
there is already a file with n bytes in the disk, then wget should not
redownload the file. I know the problem is with the webserver and not
in the side of wget, but sometimes we're dealing with buggy webserver
which we don't have control on it.

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