2008/3/28, Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It's not a problem so long as the data is clearly associated with its file.
>  The sample file I gave in the previous post has a demonstration of this;
>  logo.png was being downloaded while index.html was still being fetched.
>  If more information had been available on index.html, it could be
>  written out with the appropriate "CONTINUE" directive preceding it.
>  It's not clear to me that that's the best way to deal with it; it could
>  be that associating an identifier with each URI, and then using that id
>  with each line, could be a good alternative as well.
>  Or, perhaps we should keep the block-oriented format (most information
>  will be available at the start, in the headers and whatnot), and use ids
>  for lines that indicate final status.

I prefer block-oriented format. I want the information about one file come in
clusters. Because it will be more readable and easy to process.

>  > Yes, and about this part I want to know how Wget should treat SIDB file.
>  > For example, I want to define the case like below:
>  > - When there is already SIDB file. Is this file modified/appended/rewritten
>  >   when Wget is invocated next time?
> By default, it should probably use a new, separate file. Exceptions
>  would be when you specifically ask it to operate on an existing session
>  db file. Continuing an aborted session, etc, should use the same session
>  db it's continuing from.

I got it, thank you.

>  >>  > Case 3: When New Wget wants to use new version SIDB file as Old
>  >>  > version SIDB file,
>  >>  >         it can specify version of SIDB file like:
>  >>  >         # Wget -VSIDB 1.12
>  >>  >         which means even SIDB file version is 1.13, Wget treat it as
>  >>  > version 1.12 file.
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> This may be a good idea, but I'm not sure it will be necessary (of
>  >>  course, it will be easy to add if it looks like it's useful).
>  >
>  > Yes, maybe no need.
> Well, when we get to new major numbers, at any rate, it'll almost
>  certainly be useful; I should've been more specific that I wasn't sure
>  about the minors.
>  >>  It might be a good idea to include a mechanism for specifying that
>  >>  certain headers must _not_ be ignored, and that if a particular version
>  >>  of Wget does not understand them, it should fail out. I'm having some
>  >>  trouble coming up with a case where we would actually need this, but it
>  >>  really doesn't hurt to build it in just in case.
>  >
>  > Yes, but if Wget does not understand certain inevitable headers, it does 
> not
>  > know how it can fail out. So Wget should fail out if they can not find 
> certain
>  > inevitable headers. Do I make sense?
> Right: that's why the mechanism needs to be in place from the beginning,
>  so that even though they're new headers, Wget can understand that it
>  should not attempt to use the file if it can't understand these.
>  It could be something as easy as a naming convention, or header lines
>  beginning with a !, etc.
>  OTOH, maybe it doesn't really buy us anything over simply bumping the
>  major number... it was just an idea.

Maybe simple specification would be enough. like:
Wget check major number --> if it is within acceptable, keep going,
and just ignore
                                            what it does not understand.
Wget check major number --> if it is not within acceptable, fail out.

>  >>   WGET SIDB 1.1   # different version of Wget, understands a little
>  >>                   # more, might write new kinds of info.'
>  >>   TIME 2008-03-28T00:53:07
>  >>   CONTINUE RESOURCE http://foo.com/main/
>  >>     X-Wget-Current-Length: 57256 # size of current file on disk
>  >>     X-Wget-Status: ENETUNREACH
>  >>   END RESOURCE http://foo.com/main/
>  >>   END SESSION # Indicates Wget at least terminated normally
>  >>
>  >>   WGET SIDB 1.1
>  >>   TIME 2008-03-28T11:15:27
>  >>   CONTINUE RESOURCE http://foo.com/main/
>  >>     X-Wget-Current-Length: 57256
>  >>     X-Wget-HTTP-Status: 206 Partial Content
>  >>     Content-Length: 200000 # Length of the response
>  >>     X-Wget-Resource-Size: 257256 # Length of the file
>  >>     X-Wget-Status: success
>  >>   END RESOURCE http://foo.com/main/
>  >>   END SESSION  # All is well.
>  >
>  > This is a interim information which indicates Wget downloaded _part_ of 
> file.
>  > I'm not sure if this part is necessary, because I was thinking Wget writes 
> into
>  > SIDB only about _donloaded_ file information.
> No, not interim information; but you may be write that information about
>  the partial content (namely, the Content-Length header) isn't really all
>  that useful.
>  The "206 Partial Content" bit is actually meant to reflect that Wget,
>  knowing that it had the first ~56k, asked the server for just the rest
>  (partial content).

Oh, I got it.

>  >>  It's not clear to me that we actually _need_ the minor number as part of
>  >>  the SIDB format version. The minor number is useful in HTTP, mainly to
>  >>  negotiate between two different programs which version will be used for
>  >>  communication. But, since Wget will ignore the headers it doesn't
>  >>  understand _anyway_, and any other important changes will pretty much
>  >>  require a major version dump, does it actually make sense to distinguish
>                             ^^^^
>  (I meant "bump".)
> >>  an SIDB 1.0 from an SIDB 1.1?
>  >
>  > At least minor version would help when we check the contents of SIDB file.
>  > In the case like, "why this item is/is not writen here?"
> That's true; but actually, using the Wget version number instead could
>  be more informative in that way. We could write that information as well
>   (but give it no semantic meaning: just intended for human readers).
>  That way, we wouldn't have to remember to be sure to bump the SIDB
>  version number every time we add a new header type (I'm not as worried
>  about the major version bumps: I think we'll remember to bump for truly
>  incompatible changes).

Yes, if we could do without more information, it would be better.
I just wandering it might be useful. How about the case like this?:

Wget 1.12      SIDB 1.0
Wget 1.13      SIDB 1.1
Wget 1.14      SIDB 1.1
Wget 1.15      SIDB 1.1
Wget 1.16      SIDB 1.2

For me, if SIDB has version number, it looks clear which version of
Wget uses which format of SIDB.
This is my impression, so please tell me how do you feel.

Thank you for your time.

Yoshihiro TANAKA

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