what is the server log, I guess a boundary problem your headers are
wrong that's all I pretty sure if you look at the server error logs
you will get your answer, post files are not really post data... you
have to set up your http body correctly


On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 1:10 PM, DeVill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been trying to send post variables with --post-file option of
> wget. (I have two variables in the file, both urlencoded, one of them
> is quite large.) It worked fine until it came across a file that was
> 4.7M in size: post variables just won't get through to the server... I
> tried to do the same post with Mozilla Firefox, and it worked fine,
> but I had the same results with curl :-(
> Any ideas what could be the problem?
> Please cc me, I'm not subscribed!
> Thanks!
> Bye
> DeVill


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