Anne van Kesteren wrote:
Quoting dolphinling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Perhaps I've missed something, but while I've seen lots on what contentEditable does and how it works and how various other things are associated with it, I've never actually seen anything explaining *why* it exists. So... what's it good for?

Could you be more specific? It basically enables WYSIWYG editing for web pages. (With the freedom that you can restrict certain elements from being edited, et

How is that any different from a text area form control with a specified accept type of text/html, which would allow a UA to load any external editor (eg. XStandard) or degrade to a regular text area?


<textarea content-type="text/html">
&lt;p&gt;Markup goes in here. User can edit with plain text editor or UA can load WYSIWYG editor for text/html (or whatever ever MIME type is specified)&lt;/p&gt;

That would be a far better option than using contentEditable, which is not only conceptually broken, but *all* implementations of it are so incredibly broken, that trying to standardise it is like dragging a dead horse through mud.

Lachlan Hunt

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