I would like it if the section on sub and sup included text along these lines:

| The semantics of sub and sup are weaker than those of elements in
| some other languages, e.g. MathML's msup. Authors should when possible
| use those other languages instead of sub or sup.

Actually, I think the semantics of sub and sup are nonexistant, but I think this allows authors to use then when needed (e.g. when they need IE6 support) while providing strong enough reinforcement of the fact that better, more meaningful ways exist. (And while avoiding avoiding arguments among us standardisers about whether or not they have semantics, because whether or not they do, they're inarguably weaker :-)

Also, a few more comments on the section. While MathML is obviously the best-known and probably most important language using sub/superscripts, I think it should be noted that others (e.g. ChemML) exist, even if not noted by name.

For me, saying "sub and sup" is much more natural than "sup and sub". I'm not sure why this is, but the HTML 4 spec has it sub first, too. Would you mind switching it to this way in WA1?

And finally, "Authors are encouraged to use MathML for marking up mathematical, but authors may..." <-- I think you're missing a word in there.

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