Quick update of where things stand:

Web Forms 2


I made a new archive copy today so that changes after today will have 
diffs to today rather than the July archive copy.

This spec is basically done. It's still in feature freeze (no new features 
or feature changes will be accepted, although feel free to suggest ideas 
for WF3 as usual). Implementations are working on this spec, and the main 
reason I haven't published a proper Call For Implementations is that the 
aforementioned implementations are still finding things that are being 
fixed by incompatible changes to the spec, so I don't feel comfortable 
asking for more implementations yet!

Work on a test suite exists but is not yet public.

Web Apps 1


aka "HTML5". Still very much work in progress. I made an archive copy of 
this spec today too, so that there is something to compare future changes 
against. I recently fleshed out the persistent storage section, so you may 
wish to read that section in more detail now.

I'd like to reach a feature-complete stage before going back and actually 
fixing all the problems in the spec (and there are plenty!), so don't feel 
like I'm ignoring your feedback -- every mail sent to the list is being 
filed away and will be responded to in due course.

The main things that need fleshing out are:

   contentEditable: at least to a state comparable to WinIE, although we 
   might want to add some of the new features being requested on this list
   like declarative association with a form.

   Undo history: at least a basic model. This should be done hand-in-hand
   with contentEditable.

   Network connections: this section is in massive need of work. If you 
   have use cases that require network connections, please send them in. 
   I'm aware of a number of use cases, but the more the better.

   Menus: this section needs to be completely reworked given new 
   developments; this should happen "soon".

   DOM Level 0: more parts of the |window| interface need to go in.

   Semantics: the new elements I'd like to spec out, the old elements will
   wait until much later. <date>, <time>, <gauge>, <progress>, <card>, and
   <calendar> are the new elements I'm thinking about; expect to see this
   done after the previous five items are addressed.

   Parsing, rendering: I intend to address these near the end of the 
   cycle, so not for a long time. (However, do keep sending the comments 
   regarding parsing, tag inference, conformance, etc, because when I do 
   address parsing, I'll need to have a good overview of the problems that
   need to be covered.)

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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