Mikko Rantalainen wrote:
Currently it's possible to do stuff like this

<form action="url#anchor">
<input name="foo" type="submit">
<input name="bar" type="submit">

and the UA scrolls down to element with id "anchor" on the page returned by the server. It would be nice to be able to set target anchor on per-submit-button basis.

Perhaps something along the lines

<form action="url">
<input name="foo" type="submit" anchor="xfoo">
<input name="bar" type="submit" anchor="xbar">

would result to action urls "url#xfoo" and "url#xbar" respectively.

You could get the server to send a 303 See Other response and set Location: http://example.com/url#foo.

RFC 2616:
303 See Other

   The response to the request can be found under a different URI and
   SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that resource. This method
   exists primarily to allow the output of a POST-activated script to
   redirect the user agent to a selected resource.

Lachlan Hunt

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